The Greater LA and Coastal Cities Association of Churches has developed a paradigm system in an effort to increase effectiveness and number of church plants and to enhance their opportunities to succeed. The standards include:
1. Intentional Prayer Support - Church planters regularly share their prayer requests.
2. Recruitment - The Church Planting Recruit/Assess Team works with a team of strategists to develop significant partnerships.
3. Assessment - Experienced Church Planters and Consultants provide an Intensive assessment process to assist in determining gifts and skills.
4. Intensive Orientation - Church Planters completing our basic training are formed into peer groups known as Church Planter Networks (CPN).
5. On-Going Training - Practical, hands-on workshops bring Church Planters together for continued learning.
6. Mentoring - Trained and experienced pastors meet regularly with the Church Planters to provide support, accountability and personal development.
7. Resourcing - The Greater LA and Coastal Cities Association of Churches, along with the California Baptist Convention and NAMB cooperate to provide a wide range of assistance.
8. Support Teams - The Greater LA and Coastal Cities of Churches has a wide array of support team who are ready to assist and help.
The Greater LA and Coastal Cities Association of Churches statistics show that “Only 17% of our population attends church”; 82% of the West Los Angeles population can't tell you how to become a Christian; and, as a result, 8 out of 10 People, if they died tonight, would spend eternity in hell. That is the reality that we are battling every day here in West Los Angeles.
We are seeking volunteers who have a passion and a heart to reach out to our lost City of Los Angeles. We desperately need help.
Back Yard Bible Clubs
Office Work
Specialized Ministries
Street Performers
Music Teams
Field Study Analysis
Beach Ministries
City Park Ministries
Drama Teams
Witnessing Specialists
Computer Processing
Financial Partnerships
Door-To-Door Witnessing
Door-To-Door Surveys
Prayer Walking
VBS (Vacation Bible School)
Sports Camps
Church Planting Support
Language Focus Groups
Acts Of Kindness Ministries
Construction Teams
Children & Youth Ministries

Online giving is an opportunity for churches who call Greater LA and Coastal Cities Association of Churches their Association to give through the convenience of online bank transfer. Through online giving, you may give to the church's General Fund, Building Fund, Benevolence Fund, by either bank account transfer either single or recurring transfers.